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Turn Turtle Turn - lecture performance

Mad House Helsinki

Turn Turtle Turn - lecture performance
Kohteen nimi: Turn Turtle Turn - lecture performance
Osoite: Lintulahdenkatu 3, 00530 Helsinki
12.03.2025 - 15.03.2025

Katso kartta isompana


Oblivia: Turn Turtle Turn – the lecture performance

Performer Annika Tudeer, Oblivia’s artistic director, celebrates her 60th birthday with her most personal work yet: Within a minimalist stage space, between tables and stacks of paper full of real and dreamt-of (hi)stories, she describes the uniqueness and vulnerability of her biography as an unwanted child, left behind, then adopted.

Contrasted with singing as well as fragmentary dance and movement, Annika reads and narrates about her yearning to belong to the new as well as the old family, equal parts touching as well as unsparing, telling about men and women, her own and strange bodies, about motherhood and emancipatory processes, about childhood, youth and ageing, and not least about the wish to be loved unconditionally and to be able to love unconditionally herself.

The lecture performance was created as part of Oblivia’s series on the Anthropocene that began with the musical theatre production Turn Turtle Turn for the Munich Biennale in 2024.

Oblivia: Turn Turtle Turn – luentoperformanssi

Oblivian taiteellinen johtaja Annika Tudeer juhlistaa 60-vuotispäiväänsä tähän mennessä henkilökohtaisimmalla teoksellaan: minimalistisessa näyttämötilassa, pöytien ja paperipinojen välissä, jotka ovat täynnä todellisia ja unelmoituja tarinoita, hän kuvaa elämänsä ainutlaatuisuutta ja haavoittuvuutta ei-toivottuna, jätettynä ja sitten adoptoituna lapsena.

60 min

English / englanti


Muokattu: 21.12.2024